L’Artista Tina vive e lavora a Västeras, in Svezia. Ha studiato Teoria dell’arte e Pedagogia all’Università di Uppsala, dove in seguito ha conseguito il Dottorato in Filosofia.
L’Artista trae ispirazione dai viaggi in Italia e Francia, dove ha avuto modo di ammirare le opere murarie dell’Europa meridionale, che hanno stimolato la sua inventiva pittorica.
All’artista è stata assegnata una borsa di studio del Vastmanland County Council per il suo percorso espositivo di massimo rilievo.
Le sue opere sono state motivo di esposizione personale e collettiva nei diversi paesi.
Mostre personali: Galleria Galax e alla Galleria d’Arte di Stoccolma e anche in altri luoghi in Svezia.
Mostre collettive:
alla Biennale Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea e Design di
Firenze 2021
alla Biennale Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea e Design di
Firenze 2023
Mostra Milano Collection, Proposte Contemporanee, 25-29 marzo 2024, Tolemeo Art Gallery
Mostra Florence Collection, Individuazione Internationale, 24 febbraio – 4 marzo 2024, Galleria Mentana
Nel febbraio 2024 Tina Hellblom-Thibblin è stata rappresentata al LA Art Show, Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, febbraio
14-18, 2024, mostra video, Fondazione Effetto Arte
, Mostra Florence Collection, 16 dicembre 2023 – 10 gennaio 2024, Galleria Mentana
Mostra Milano Collection 24-30 novembre 2023, Contigueous Horizons, Tolemeo Art Gallery
Mostra della London Collection dal 7 al 12 dicembre 2023, Mostra Itinerari, The Crypt Gallery
E’ stata selezionata e ha partecipato alla Biennale Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea e Design di Firenze 2023
E’ stata selezionata e ha partecipato alla Biennale Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea e Design di Firenze 2021
Mostra della collezione Galleria d’arte, Stoccolma, 2005
Mostra della collezione Galleria Galax, Stoccolma, 2000
Salone di Natale, Västerås Konstmuseum, 2000
Mostra separata Galleria Galax, Stoccolma 1999

“Tina Hellblom-Thibblin is a visual artist working primarily with oil on canvas. She grew up in Västeras, Sweden, where she currently lives. She studied Art theory and Pedagogy at Uppsala University, where she later earned a Doctor of Philosophy.
Her interest in painting was awakened early in young years. She has painted in oil since the age of twelve, is autodidact with the exception of painting courses in Stockholm.
Tina Hellblom-Thibblins theoretical background includes among other things art science and aesthetics at Uppsala University. These studies captured her interest for Italian and French painting, sculpture and architecture, historically and today. Different kinds of materials have also influenced her artistry, and the mural painting has inspired her a lot. She have previously been assigned Vastmanland County Council’s cultural scholarship for her artistic ability.
For many years she has worked as a university lecturer/docent at Malardalen University. Her painting has always been an ongoing activity and she has studied and practiced artistic expression throughout her life.
Inspiration for her paintings was provided by study trips to Italy and France, where she was captivated by the mural paintings of southern Europe. She blends many concepts into her artistry, like the tensions between the imaginary and the concrete. Identity and relationships are incorporated into her paintings based on the surprising and the unpredictable. Spontaneity and the unfinished are also key to many of her works.
Her paintings have been shown in both solo and group exhibitions in Stockholm several times and at other places in Sweden.”
Tina Hellblom-Thibblin is awarded ”The International Prize Leonardo da Vinci”, April 2024.
Tina Hellblom-Thibblin was awarded with ”The International Prize Botticelli”, January 2024 at the Borghese Palace.
Curatorial reviews:
”The spiritual artistic journey that you portray in your stellar oeuvre was quite impressive and was a triumph of personal expression”
“Our Committee salutes you on your stellar oeuvre with its important visual narrative and its emotional link to the human and artistic experience. We are so pleased with your marvelous art and the positive energy of your stellar composition”.
Exhibitions in selection:
Milano Collection exhibition, Proposte Contemporanee, March 25-29, 2024, Tolemeo Art Gallery
Florence Collection exhibition, Individuazione Internationale, February 24 – March 4, 2024, Galleria Mentana
In februari 2024 Tina Hellblom-Thibblin was represented on LA Art Show, Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, February
14-18, 2024, video exhibition, Fondazione Effetto Arte,
Florence Collection exhibition, December 16, 2023 – Januari 10, 2024, Galleria Mentana
Milano Collection exhibition November 24-30, 2023, Contigueous Horizons, Tolemeo Art Gallery
London Collection exhibition December 7-12, 2023, Mostra Itinerari, The Crypt Gallery
Selected and participated the International Biennale of Contemporary Art and Design in Florence 2023
Selected to participate in the International Biennale of Contemporary Art and Design in Florence 2021
Collection exhibition Art Gallery, Stockholm, 2005
Collection exhibition Gallery Galax, Stockholm, 2000
Christmas salon, Västerås Konstmuseum, 2000
Separate exhibition Gallery Galax, Stockholm 1999
L’Artista Tina è rappresentata per l’Italia dalla Galleria d’Arte Mentana di Firenze.
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Personal website: www.teglet.net
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/artisttinah
Mail: tina.h.thibblin@teglet.net